Friday, March 25, 2011

Eight Legged Friends

It all started about a week ago when I noticed a knot in the back of my neck.  I kept rubbing at it, it hurt, but it didn't really go away.  I asked Ron what he thought it was and we both decided that it wasn't a tumor, so I should be fine :o)

Fast forward to Wednesday.  I am sitting at work when my stomach starts to itch, so I scratch it.  Then, it starts to move around to my back and becomes almost unbearable.  So, I go into the restroom where I discover that almost my entire body is covered in itchy hives.  I pop a couple of Benadryl and make it through the day.  I head over to the quick care place after work, since I hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary, used any different soaps, or anything that would cause an allergic reaction.  I mainly wanted to make sure that it wasn't anything contagious.  Dr. says, just keep taking Benadryl every 4-6 hours for the next few days, you will be fine!  Perfect.

Fast Forward to Friday.  I wake up with the hives still in full effect, but now, all of my extremities feel like they are asleep.  I am tingling, itchy, and so swollen that I can hardly get my shoes on.  Ok, so now is when I am thinking that this might be something more than just an allergic reaction to something still unknown.  So, I decide to call our regular Dr. and see what they have to say about it.  I was told to get in there as soon as I could.

I head into the Dr. and they start trying to figure out what is going on.  And, I don't know why, but I mentioned that little knot on my neck and how annoying it was.  So, she checked it out and low and behold....a spider bite.  One little spider, that I never saw, one little "knot" on my neck, caused all of this discomfort and irritation!  I guess it was lucky that I said something because then they could treat it correctly.  My hives have gone away considerably and my arms and legs are feeling fairly normal today.  We bug-bombed our house tonight, after realizing what the culprit to my illness was. 

It just gives me the willies to know I was cuddling up with something like this:

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