Thursday, March 31, 2011

Family Fun

My cousin, Kirsten, came up to visit the family for her spring break from California.  It was so great to see her!  We took advantage of her being here by having a family night.  Grandma and grandad hosted a wonderful dinner for everyone, and we were even able to attempt to get a decent photo of everyone.
Attempt number one:
Fail. Thank you camera flash, Ron, and Grandad. :o)

Attempt number two:
Semi-Success.  And, the best you are getting out of this group :o)

Here is one of Grandma Barbara and Kirsten:

And one of Grandma, Grandad, and Kirsten:
After stuffing ourselves, Braison decided that is was time for some basketball.  So, there was some time spent on the court.

It was all-in-all a wonderful visit.  Thank you Kirsten for making the time to spend with us!  We hope to see you again soon :o)

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