Saturday, March 12, 2011

Boise Roadster Show and Pleasant Surprises

Today we went to the Roadster Show.  The kids were particularly excited to go because Spiderman was going to be there.  Braison just wanted to see him and Lilian wanted to get her photo taken with him.  We got there early and were looking at all of the nice cars.  At one point Lilian said to me, "This is amazing! The cars are so pretty!"  She is quite the character.  Of course, the car that they liked the best was, what else....a Toyota Land Cruiser!
We FINALLY heard over the loud speaker that Spiderman was making his way into the building.  Only problem was, there was a line about a mile long to talk to him or get your photo with him!  So, we only looked on from a distance, which Braison was perfectly happy with :o)
Then, tonight, I got a nice little surprise from my boys....

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