Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lilian's Big Day

Today, Lilian started preschool.  She was pretty excited to go and was very conscientious of her outfit and how her hair was going to be done.  She even made me get out the round brush and hair dryer to make sure it was perfect. Here she is getting ready to go.

When we got to school, her teacher showed her where her hook was for her backpack and coat, then showed her where the other kids were playing (they have free time until the class starts).  She requested a hug and a kiss from me (YAY!!!) and then I told her I was going to go to work.  She said, "Okay Mommy, I love you.  See you later." And, off she went.  I left, crying, of course.  But, today I didn't have to call Ron for reassurance :o)

When I went to pick her up, she was not pleased because the other kids (the ones that stay for daycare after preschool) were heading outside to play.  I had to promise her that she could play outside at home after a little nap, she decided that was a good compromise.  We were heading out and I asked her if she had fun and what she did.  She told me, "Yes, I had fun. I drew a picture of a baby deer for Braison, but look on the back of the picture." So, I did and someone had written her name on the back, but they had spelled it wrong (Lillian instead of Lilian).  Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, but it was to her.  I said, "Oh, it is your name!"  She replied, "NO, it is NOT. That is NOT my name. My name is L-I-L-I-A-N, not L-I-L-L-is that an O-N."  She then proceeded to tell me that it wasn't just on the back of the photo that her name was spelled wrong, it was also on the hook where she hangs her things and on her designated spot to put her artwork that she is bringing home.  So, tomorrow morning I will talk with the teacher about it and hopefully it can be corrected before she returns on Thursday.  We called Ron and Lilian told him about drawing the picture for Braison, and she counted the spots that she had put on it for him.  She was so excited to get home to give Braison the paper!  Her teacher said that she fit right in with the other kids (in fact, she had to say goodbye and hug 3 other children before we could leave :o).  She also said that she was very polite and raised her hand to speak!  They also told me that she is very smart and that she will get along just great!

Here is Lilian leaving her first day, she was more than happy to pose for a photo.

She is excited to go back and see her friends again.  I think we might have quite the social butterfly on our hands!

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