Monday, February 28, 2011

Braison's Big Day

So, today Braison started preschool.  He could hardly stand the time between when he was ready to go and it was actually time to leave.  Here he is getting ready to go.
When we got to the school I had to do a little paperwork and Braison was about ready to have a heart attack waiting for me to finish up :o)  His teacher, Mrs. Cox, showed him where his hook was for his backpack and coat, he really couldn't believe that he got his own personalized hook!  Then, we went to the room where the kids were getting ready to start the lessons for the day and he was off.  No kiss. No hug. No "I love you mommy." No wave.  No goodbye.  Not even a glance back in my direction.  So, I left, bawling my eyes out, trying desperately to get Ron on the phone to tell him how depressing wonderful it was that our babies are not babies anymore.  Ron calmed me down and had a very good point; at least he went in this way, rather than them having to pry a crying child from my leg who really didn't want to stay there. Ok, I will give him that one :o)

I went to get Braison when class was supposed to be over, but they were running a little late today.  He was very, very unhappy with me that I was taking him away before lunch was served.  When we got out to the car I asked him if he had fun and what he did.  His reply, "I did some important stuff in there today, Mommy. But, I don't want to tell you about it.  I will tell you that I painted a bear and drew a picture and ate some crackers."  Who is this kid?!?  So, we called Ron and relayed pretty much the same thing to him, no more details.  His teacher did tell me that he did wonderfully.  She commented on how intelligent he is, how polite he is, and how he seemed to fit right in, "It is like he has been coming here forever!"  Parents have never heard sweeter words!

Here is Braison getting ready to leave his first day of preschool (Sorry for the cheeseyness, this photo was taken against his will :o)

He can't wait to get back (He goes Monday and Wednesday mornings, Lilian goes Tuesday and Thursday mornings) and do some more mysterious, very important work!

Tomorrow is Lilian's big day, wish me luck!

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