Saturday, February 19, 2011

Girl's Day Out

First off, I know I missed "Wordless Wednesday" and "Friday Funnies" last week.  I apologize.  I will make sure they are back this week :o)

On to today.  Lilian and I had a girl's day out with my cousin, Valerie, and her daughter, Adrianna.  We did start the day off having breakfast with daddy.
Then we headed to The Little Gym for a gymnastics class.  Adrianna has a class every week and today happen to be bring a friend day.  Lilian was instantly in LOVE with gymnastics :o)
Valerie and Adrianna surprised Lilian with a leotard/dress to wear for the day, they also got her tights to match, a pretty hair bow, and a tiarra. (Thanks Val and Anna!!)  They have to have bare feet during gymnastics, so that is why she is missing the tights.  She doesn't have nearly enough hair to keep the pretty bow in yet :o(  And, the tiarra was for later in the day.  Here are a couple more photos of gymnastics.
 Balance beam.
 Uneven bars.  She actually did really well on these!
Then, after class, we headed out to the ballet.  Lilian has been so excited for the last week about going to the ballet.  She was constantly "getting ready" to go (putting on makeup, a dress, earrings, ballet shoes, etc.).  Here is the princess waiting for the ballet to start.

She was absolutely enthralled with everything.  She sat and took in all that the dancers were doing.  She was so good.  Then, after the ballet was over, we were able to meet and talk to the ballerinas.  Lilian immediately walked up to her favorite lady to talk to her.  She let Lilian and Adrianne feel her shoes and told them about why they were so hard on the toes and showed them how she can stand up on her very tip-toes with them.  Then, Lilian showed her how she too can stand on her very tip-toes.  It was great to see her interacting with the ballerinas.

  Here is one of Lilian and I after the show.
Then, the girls had free reign of the dance floor.  Here is Lilian showing off one of her newly learned ballet moves.
It was so wonderful to watch her out there, dancing away, in her own little world.  She really is a princess :o)

We finished off our day with a wonderful lunch at Cafe Ole' in downtown Boise.  We are so excited to have more of these days out!

Thanks again to Valerie and Adrianna for a great day!


RobynU said...

I know I haven's seen you guys in a few months but seeing thier pictures and reading about them going to school it's like they have grown up in a blink of an eye. I'm glad to hear school went so well for them. Still looking forward to another date at the Zoo with you all!

Ashley said...

We are too! It is CRAZY how fast the time is going!