Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm Back!!

So, I have been down and out for a whole week now.  Last Tuesday I came down with something terrible.  I had a fever of 102.6°F, cold chills, an awful sore throat, and I couldn't keep any food down.  Needless to say, I didn't really get out of bed for almost an entire week.  It was not pretty. 

But, I was pretty happy because it seemed that I had managed to keep it to myself. Wrong.  On Friday, Braison's temperature started rising and he started coughing and refusing to eat.  So, we shipped Lilian off to my dad's house for the weekend, hoping to keep her out of the loop.  On Sunday, Ron started complaining of a sore throat and his temperature started rising as well.

When Lilian came home on Sunday evening, she was really cuddly and didn't want to do much of anything.  Alas, her temperature had skyrocketed by bedtime.

So, at least Momma was on the upward swing of things by the time that it hit the rest of the family. 

Right now, we are just all trying to survive this crud.

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