Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Curls Come Off

As most of you know (all three of you that read this blog), Lilian has had a hard time growing hair since she was born.  Well, she had finally gotten to the "baby mullet" stage (see previous post) and pretty much stopped there.  Her hair is curly and BLOND, but also thin and kind of scraggly.  So, we decided yesterday that we were going to get her hair cut.  For a couple of reasons; because we want her adult hair to start growing in and also to get rid of the mullet that snarls like crazy all the time.
So, off we went to the salon.  Here are the two before photos.

And, here are the after photos:

She loves it and so do we.  It was sad to see all of those curls on the floor, but I know this will help to get the hair growing and it is so much thicker now!
In other news, Braison got new boxer shorts.

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