Thursday, June 30, 2011

Almost Perfected

Braison has almost perfected writing his own name! :o)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011


It has finally warmed up enough that we could set up our little pool and play outside all day long.  The kids, and parents, are loving it!

Being a ham, of course

They love picnics :o)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Funnies

Lilian - Guess what, Nana...Daddy had two bosses.
Nana - Is that right?  And, who are those two bosses?
Lilian - Mommy! And, I can't remember who the other one is right now....


Mommy - Braison, I am so proud of you, you did such a wonderful job at gymnastics tonight!
Braison - Mommy, I am so proud of you too!  You sat so quietly and didn't talk at all during gymnastics.  Thank you!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011


The kids and I had our six month check-ups at the dentist today.  They did a wonderful job listening, being patient, and helping the hygienist.  They were so excited to get new toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste, and pencils.  When she asked them what flavor toothpaste they wanted (choices were bubble gum, orange, grape, or mint), they both chose mint.  Same with the fluoride treatments.  I couldn't believe they passed up cotton candy for mint, but they are odd children after all :o)  Braison got to go first.
Getting his teeth cleaned

Fluoride treatment
 Then it was Lilian's turn.

Getting her teeth cleaned

Fluoride treatment
All three of us walked away with a clean bill of dental health.  Unfortunately, Ron wasn't so lucky after his appointment a couple of weeks ago, but I guess we can't win them all!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Funnies

Back story found here and here ....

Braison - Mommy, I really think that gymnastics class is helping me be a real Buzz.


Lilian - I like ekersizing, but I think I need to teach Papa how to do it sometime.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Living Dead

It has been an interesting week for the Buseman family.  It started Friday.  The kids were both STILL sick with some kind of cold, so we decided that it was time for them to go to the doctor.  Well, they both had pneumonia and sinus infections.  Plus, Braison had a double ear infection (again).  So, they put Lilian on an antibiotic to clear her up and Braison on a much stronger antibiotic to clear him up (the last one didn't clear up the ears).  Then, Ron hurt his back to a point that he could barley walk.
So, Saturday rolls around and everyone is sick and it is like the living dead in our house.  This continues through Sunday and into Monday.  By Tuesday Lilian was better, but Ron and Braison were not fairing so well.  Braison had been complaining of lower abdominal pain for about a day and Ron had to see someone about his back, so I made them an appointment to go see the doctor that afternoon.
Turns out Ron pulled a muscle in his back bad enough that they have him some Norco and ordered him to rest for at least a week.  Braison's exam turned up an enlarged liver.  Fantastic.  Unfortunately, we couldn't get him in for an ultrasound that afternoon because he had to have an empty stomach.
So, this morning we took him in for the ultrasound.  He was apprehensive at first, but warmed right up once the tech found the caterpillar, that Braison had eaten earlier in the week, in his stomach (aka his gallbladder).  He even got to take home a photo of said caterpillar to show off to everyone :o)  Thank you ultrasound tech for making a three year old's day!
The results from the ultrasound came back ok.  His liver is larger than it should be, but nothing to cause concern yet.  So, we took him off of the stronger antibiotic, just in case that is what was causing it.  He hasn't complained of his stomach bothering him, so hopefully we are out of the woods on that one.
We hope to all have a clean bill of health soon!  Some of us are going crazy!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Well, it is finally nice enough to get out and enjoy things.  There was a carnival in the mall parking lot this weekend, so we made plans to meet some friends.  Braison had spent the night at the Durrant's house last night, so we decided to meet for breakfast first, then head over to the carnival.  Well, since they didn't open anything up until noon, us girls went and got pedicures to pass the time.  This was Mikaela's first spa experience, and I think she enjoyed it.

The boys were getting restless, so it was a good thing we could head right over to the fun stuff!
Isaac and Braison with Bruce and Ron in the background

"I am flying a jit! Just like Uncle Tyler!"

I got a smile out of Joseph!

Isaac and Braison in the house of mirrors

Mikaela and Braison in the fun house

Getting ready to ride the roller coaster for the first time.

He LOVED it! 

Mikaela loved it too....Isaac, not so much.
Then, we decided to go on the big ship (Ron and I) and Mikaela wanted to go as well.  At the last minute, Braison decided that he also wanted to go.

Braison's quote: "It makes my tummy feel funny and I like it!"
So, I think I might finally have someone who wants to go on all of the rides with me!  After the ship it took Ron about 5 hours to recover (so, I guarantee I won't get him on any rides ever again).  But, Braison kept asking if we could go on the Zipper.  It will be a great time....when he is a little taller.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Big Boy

Well, tonight, Braison is at his first official sleepover.  Not at Nana's or Grandpa's or Grandma's.  Rather, at a friends house.  I can't believe that he actually stayed, but he did and I am sure he is having a wonderful time and won't want to come back home.  It is hard to believe how fast they are growing up.  Seems like just yesterday that this was his favorite place to be...

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Following our recent conversation (found here), we finally decided that both kids wanted to take gymnastic.  Lilian was very excited to go pick out a new leotard for the occasion.  They were both thrilled to get to play on all of the fun things!  Here they are just outside of the gymnastics area.

 I got the best photos that I could, but the light was not great and we were sitting in bleachers a little ways away.
Going through the obstacle course

Braison running to the next station

Working on balance....HA!

They love everything gymnastics and they are the only two kids in their class, so that is a bonus too!  After class, if they have followed instruction and kept their listening ears on, they get a stamp and a coloring page. 
The class is a month-long class.  We will see at the end if either of them want to keep going or not....I have a feeling I already know the answer to that though :o)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011