Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Well, Braison is officially three years old.  Happy Birthday Braison!

I can not believe how fast these last three years have gone.  You are such a fun little man! You are very independent, exceptionally smart, fun-loving, and so compassionate.  You bring such a wonderful dynamic to our family, I can't even remember what it was like before you came to us!

You love everything Mickey Mouse, Spiderman, Cars, building things, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, cars, "fixin' sings," music, books, Charlie Brown, football.   You know your whole alphabet, you can sing it correctly and identify all of the letters (even when they are not in order).  You can count to twenty.  You can spell yours, Lilian's, mommy's, daddy's, and nana's names.  You know your whole name (Braison Earl-Allen Buseman) and you have pretty much mastered our address as well.  You are a very spirited child and even though you can be a challenge at times, but we wouldn't have you any other way!

We love you so much, we can't wait to see what your future holds!

~Mommy and Daddy

There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared:  twins.

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