Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Lilian is officially three years old.  Happy Birthday Lilian!

Even though you have only been here with us for three years, you have made quite an impact!  The last three years have gone by so fast.  You are the princess around our house, that is for sure!  You are such a sweet little girl, always there to help whenever we need anything.  You are so loving, compassionate, sassy (at times), smart, and autonomous.  You have brought a light into our life that we didn't even know we needed.

You love everything girly, pretty, Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Elmo, Abby, dress up, cooking, music, books, and cuddling.  You sing so many songs, we love your sweet voice!  You know your alphabet (singing and recognition) and can count to twenty all by yourself!You know your whole name (Lilian Faye-Lynn Buseman), your address, how to spell your and your brother's names.  You have a drama side, but that just makes us love you even more!

We love you so much, we can't wait to see what your future holds!
~Mommy and Daddy

Not double trouble, but twice blessed.

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