Thursday, November 18, 2010


So, we went to Monkey Bizness to celebrate Braison and Lilian's birthday with all of their little friends.  We had the party the Saturday before their actual birthday.  I don't have any photos of the playtime yet, so I will post those as soon as I can.
These were the gift bags for our guests.

All of the goodies.  I just did simple cupcakes this year.  The kids picked the kind of cupcakes they wanted and the colors of the frosting.
Lilian is ready for her cupcake!!
Blowing out the candles.  Braison was a little premature :o)

We were having lots of fun.

THANK YOU EVERYONE for all of the wonderful gifts!!

On Monday, the day before their birthday, we went over to their Grandma Sheryl and Grandpa Pat's house.  Of course, they were spoiled rotten there too!  They got new BIKES! And, new helmets (with bells) and new pj's as well.  We had a great visit and the kids are so thrilled to have "big kid" bikes.  I haven't got a photo of them with the new bikes yet.

Then, on the kids' actual birthday, we had a nice dinner at their Grandpa & Grandma's house and a few gifts there too.  And, of course more cake!

Thank you to Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle Tyler for everything.  A side note to Uncle Tyler - I don't know where you find some of these gifts, but the soccer ball is WONDERFUL!! And, I don't get anxiety about them wanting to play with a ball in the house.  Thank you!

All in all, the kids had a great birthday week.  They are so loved! :o)

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