Monday, November 22, 2010


Braison and Lilian had their three year check up today and things went pretty well.  Here are their stats:

Braison - 39lbs
               3'4" tall
               He is in the 95th percentile for his age

Lilian -    27lbs
              2'11" tall
              She is in the 5th percentile for her age

They both had to get immunizations, and it didn't go over very well.  I could barely hold Braison down while she gave him the shots in his legs!  And, of course (since I took them alone because I didn't think they had to have any shots) Lilian witnessed the whole thing and wanted NOTHING to do with getting back up on the table.  Poor kids.

Also, they can hear Lilian's heart murmur again.  She has had one since birth, but after going to the pediatric cardiologist this last time (right after her 1st birthday), she assured us that it was going away and there was no need for another follow up with her at that time.  Then, when Lilian had her two year check up, the doctor couldn't hear it at all, so we figured we were out of the woods.  Wrong again.  We will take Lilian back to her pediatrician in 6 months to see what is going on with it, then make the decision about whether or not she needs to go back to the pediatric cardiologist.  Please keep her in your prayers.

Braison also has a bit of an issue.  For some time now he has wanted water, ALL the time.  He is just so thirsty and wants nothing but water.  So, after talking with the doctor, they are going to bring him back in 6 months as well and do a blood test to check for juvenile diabetes.  We are waiting this time to just monitor him and see if he stops wanting so much water, it might just be a phase he is going through.  Prayers for him are also appreciated.  

Here are the kids waiting for the doctor, this is obviously before the shots :o)

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