Friday night, we decided to have a fun little family night out. We went to eat at the Homedale Bowling Alley (my mom waits tables there at night, so we usually try to go if she is working on Friday nights and see her anyway). They have really great prime rib (I know, not a place you would think to go when you are in the mood for prime rib!) and a really good chicken strip basket for the kids. The kids are always asking to go to "Nana'a Bowlin' Alley" for dinner and then to, what else? Go bowling! So we did.
Aren't bowling shoes wonderfully fun?!?
Daddy helping Braison take his turn.
And, this is what Braison does when he takes a turn by himself :o)
Lilian getting help from Daddy.
And, when Lilian takes her turn alone...that ball sure is slippery!! :o)
Sometimes the ball take FOREVER to get to the pins! So, it is more fun to do this...
Lilian spent a lot of her time "drying her hair" while we were there. I will give them this though, they each played all ten frames of the game, they didn't get bored at all! We had a wonderful evening out and we sure do love to bowl! Ron and I hadn't been bowling in
YEARS, so it was a nice change. We really sucked but, that is ok because I won in the end :o)
Not great scores (well, the kids did great!), but not bad for being so rusty.