Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

We have had a wonder day today.  We went to dinner and then trick or treating at just a few houses.  First we went to Grandma Barbara's, then to Grandma & Grandad's, then to Grandpa & Grandma Sue's, and finally to Grandma Sheryl & Grandpa Pat's.  By then, it was time for bed!  They got enough candy from those few houses to tide them over for a long time!

So, in light of Thanksgiving, I am going to take the Thankfulness Challenge.  Beginning tomorrow I will post every day for the month of November something I am thankful for.  Let's see if I can actually get these out every day :o) 


Thursday, October 28, 2010


First, a late Happy Birthday to our Grandma!!  We were able to all go out to lunch and then have treats to celebrate.

Thanks for being so wonderful, we love you Grandma!!

And, we are finally ready for Halloween! We made cupcakes last night and tried on the costumes.  The kids are beyond excited this year!

These costumes were my first attempt at any kind of "clothing." I am pretty proud of them.  I didn't have a pattern, so it was fun to learn how to do everything from scratch.  Thanks to everyone who either helped or encouraged me along the way :o)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Grandma's Visit

Grandma DeLorus (my dad's mom) came to visit us before heading south for the winter.

The kids enjoyed their time with her and were able to both show off their girlie side with the new hat and scarf that Grandma Sue got for Lilian.

Braison is such a ham!

Uncle Tyler (my brother) was on the webcam, so the kids were extra excited to be able to talk to him!  They really love him and look forward to their weekly (usually) webcam visits with him :o)

Short and sweet this time!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Family Night Out

Friday night, we decided to have a fun little family night out.  We went to eat at the Homedale Bowling Alley (my mom waits tables there at night, so we usually try to go if she is working on Friday nights and see her anyway).  They have really great prime rib (I know, not a place you would think to go when you are in the mood for prime rib!) and a really good chicken strip basket for the kids.  The kids are always asking to go to "Nana'a Bowlin' Alley" for dinner and then to, what else? Go bowling!  So we did.

Aren't bowling shoes wonderfully fun?!?

Daddy helping Braison take his turn.
And, this is what Braison does when he takes a turn by himself :o)

 Lilian getting help from Daddy.

And, when Lilian takes her turn alone...that ball sure is slippery!! :o)

Sometimes the ball take FOREVER to get to the pins!  So, it is more fun to do this...

Lilian spent a lot of her time "drying her hair" while we were there.  I will give them this though, they each played all ten frames of the game, they didn't get bored at all!  We had a wonderful evening out and we sure do love to bowl!  Ron and I hadn't been bowling in YEARS, so it was a nice change.  We really sucked but, that is ok because I won in the end :o)
Not great scores (well, the kids did great!), but not bad for being so rusty.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

We went to the pumpkin patch this past weekend.  Ron's sister, Jen, went with us.  The kids sure do love having her around! And, she is always a huge help when we are trying to do things like this :o)  We went out to The Berry Ranch and we were the first ones there on Saturday morning.  Last year, we had to wait for almost an hour to get on the hayride to the pumpkin patch.  This year, we walked right on and they took right off.  There were only nine of us on the whole train, which was kind of nice too!  Here are some photos from the adventure:

Sweet, Sweet Children

On the way home from the store tonight:

Lilian: I sure am a pretty little girl, huh mommy?

Mommy: Yes, Lilian, you are a pretty little girl. :o)

I took the humidifier out of her room tonight to put into Braison's room since he needs it more than she does right now.

Lilian: (Through her tears) Don't take it!! I need my machine, Mommmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy!!!

The other morning, I was blow drying my hair and Braison was watching cartoons on our bed.  I had just turned off the blow dryer when Braison yells, through the closed door, "STOP BLOWING YOUR HAIR MOMMY!" So, I opened the door & looked at him, he looked at me and calmy said, "Please stop blowing your hair mommy, I can't hear the television when you do that. Thank you." And, turned back to his show.  He is such a character!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sicklies and Shopping

So, first I was sick for two weeks, then the kids got it too and are just now starting to get over it.  Luckily, Ron missed out on it!  Here are the kids one morning, watching cartoons while I got ready for work.
They had both been up coughing pretty much all night, poor babies.  Glad they are on the upward swing of this nasty bug though.

The kids normally really enjoy going shopping with me, but last weeks shopping trip was not as exciting as normal, according to Lilian...
Braison, on the other hand, was his normal happy-to-be-shopping self!
And, we are working on the kids' costumes right now.  They have decided to go as Mickey and Minnie Mouse.  I am approximately halfway done with both costumes, photos to come soon.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lilian's 1st Haircut

So, we got Lilian's first official haircut tonight.  Poor little girl was getting a very terrible mullet and we decided that maybe it would be better to just have a little cut off so that it was all the same length.
Here is Lilian before the haircut:
Look how excited she is to be getting her hair cut!!  Then, during the process:

And, after:
 It isn't too much of a change, but enough to get rid of the mullet and bangs in her eyes.  So thank you Dixie (or, "Pixie" as Lilian and Braison refer to her).  She is so excited with her pretty haircut!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

99 Things

I stole this from a blogger friend, it looked like fun. You're supposed to bold the things you've done.

1. Started a blog.
2. Slept under the stars.
3. Played in a band. (Does Rock Band count...)
4. Visited Hawaii.
5. Watched a meteor shower. 

6. Given more than you can afford to charity.
7. Been to Disneyland.
8. Climbed a mountain. 

9. Held a praying mantis. 
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee Jumped.
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightening storm.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch.
15. Adopted a child.
16. Had food poisoning.
17. Walked to the top of the statue of liberty. 

18. Grown your own vegetables.
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France.
20. Slept on an overnight train.
21. Hitchhiked.
22. Had a pillow fight.
23. Taken a sick day when you weren't really sick.
24. Built a snow fort.
25. Held a lamb.
26. Gone skinny dipping.
27. Run a marathon.
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice. Just in Vegas at the Venetian.
29. Seen a total eclipse. 

30. Watched a sunset or a sunrise.
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise.
33. Seen Niagara falls in person.

34. Seen the birthplace of your ancestors.
35. Been to Amish country.
36. Taught yourself a new language.
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied.
38. Seen the leaning tower of Pisa in person.
39. Gone rock climbing. 

40. Seen Michelango's David
41. Sung Karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful Geyser erupt. 

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant.
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach at midnight.
46. Been transported in an ambulance.
47. Had your portrait painted.

48. Gone deep sea fishing.
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person.
50. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling.
51. Kissed in the rain
52. Played in the mud.
53. Gone to a drive in theatre.
54. Been in a movie.

55. Been to the top of the Eifel Tower.
56. Visited the great wall of china.
57. Started a business

58. Taken a martial arts class. 
59. Visited Russia.
60. Served in a soup kitchen.
61. Sold girl scout cookies.
62. Gone whale watching.
63. Got flowers for no reason.
64. Donated blood, platelets, or plasma.
65. Gone ski diving.
66. Visited a Nazi concentration camp.
67. Bounced a check.
68. Flown in a helicopter.
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy.
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial.
71. Eaten cavier

72. Pieced a quilt.
73. Stood in Times Square.
74. Toured the Everglades.

75. Been fired from a job.
76. Seen the changing of the guards in London.
77. Broken a bone.
78. Been a passenger on a motorcycle.
79. Seen the Grand Canyon. 

80. Published a book.
81. Visited the Vatican.
82. Bought a brand new car.

83. Walked in Jerusalem.
84. Had your picture in the paper.
85. Kissed a stranger at midnight on new years eve.
86. Visited the White House.

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating.
88. Had chicken pox.
89. Saved someone's life.

90. Sat on jury duty.
91. Met someone famous.
92. Joined a book club
93. Got a tattoo
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person.
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake.
97. Been involved in a law suit.

98. Owned a cell phone.
99. Been stung by a bee
