Tuesday, November 30, 2010

30th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for Tyler.  Today is my little brother's birthday and I am so thankful for him.  He is a wonderful brother, phenomenal uncle, and has a brilliant mind.  I am so proud of him and all that he is doing with his life.  Happy Birthday Ty!


Monday, November 29, 2010

29th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for Google.  How else would I get answers to all my silly questions?!


Sunday, November 28, 2010


I totally forgot that we took a couple photos of the kids on Thanksgiving before we headed out the door to dinner!  They look so handsome!


28th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for weekends.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

27th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for baking.  I really love to bake and it is always so fun to create new things.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday!!

Well, I ventured out with all of the other crazies to get some good deals today.  I did pretty well and our Christmas shopping is pretty much complete now.  It was pretty chilling at 3am waiting outside in line to get into the store, but you can't beat the experience!


26th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for the laughter of children.  Of course my own children are at the top of the list, but isn't it wonderful to hear any gleeful laugh come from a child??


Thursday, November 25, 2010


Well, we have had a wonderful Thanksgiving day.  We went to our Uncle Jay and Aunt Kelly's house for a wonderful dinner.  And, like a nerd, I forgot to grab the camera, so we have no photos of anything, except for the desserts that I made to take to dinner.
The traditional pumpkin pie.  Made with fresh pumpkins, not canned stuff.
These are french vanilla/pumpkin cupcakes with caramel in the center and cream cheese frosting.  *These were a HUGE hit with Uncle Jay :o)
And, a Jack Daniels Pecan pie. 
Wow, after reviewing this post, I am really sad that I didn't take any photos during the day.  I guess I will try to remember everything next year!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


25th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for books.  Anyone who knows me at all knows how much I LOVE to read.  This is one of my favorite past times.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Resting up for the big feast tomorrow....

24th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for laundry.  This just reafirms that I have enough clothes to keep me warm.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

23rd Day of Thanks

I am thankful for friends.  Good friends are few and far between, I am lucky to have wonderful people in my life.


Monday, November 22, 2010


Braison and Lilian had their three year check up today and things went pretty well.  Here are their stats:

Braison - 39lbs
               3'4" tall
               He is in the 95th percentile for his age

Lilian -    27lbs
              2'11" tall
              She is in the 5th percentile for her age

They both had to get immunizations, and it didn't go over very well.  I could barely hold Braison down while she gave him the shots in his legs!  And, of course (since I took them alone because I didn't think they had to have any shots) Lilian witnessed the whole thing and wanted NOTHING to do with getting back up on the table.  Poor kids.

Also, they can hear Lilian's heart murmur again.  She has had one since birth, but after going to the pediatric cardiologist this last time (right after her 1st birthday), she assured us that it was going away and there was no need for another follow up with her at that time.  Then, when Lilian had her two year check up, the doctor couldn't hear it at all, so we figured we were out of the woods.  Wrong again.  We will take Lilian back to her pediatrician in 6 months to see what is going on with it, then make the decision about whether or not she needs to go back to the pediatric cardiologist.  Please keep her in your prayers.

Braison also has a bit of an issue.  For some time now he has wanted water, ALL the time.  He is just so thirsty and wants nothing but water.  So, after talking with the doctor, they are going to bring him back in 6 months as well and do a blood test to check for juvenile diabetes.  We are waiting this time to just monitor him and see if he stops wanting so much water, it might just be a phase he is going through.  Prayers for him are also appreciated.  

Here are the kids waiting for the doctor, this is obviously before the shots :o)

22nd Day of Thanks

I am thankful for date night.  Ron & I are fortunate enough to get a date night almost every Friday.  It helps keep us sane :o)


Sunday, November 21, 2010

21st Day of Thanks

I am thankful for my DVR. I don't have to miss any of my favorite shows!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

20th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for the beach.  Oh, how I love the beach.


Friday, November 19, 2010

19th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for dreams.  Not only for those that I have at night and throughout the day (occasionally), but also for the real dreams that I have for my future.


Thursday, November 18, 2010


So, we went to Monkey Bizness to celebrate Braison and Lilian's birthday with all of their little friends.  We had the party the Saturday before their actual birthday.  I don't have any photos of the playtime yet, so I will post those as soon as I can.
These were the gift bags for our guests.

All of the goodies.  I just did simple cupcakes this year.  The kids picked the kind of cupcakes they wanted and the colors of the frosting.
Lilian is ready for her cupcake!!
Blowing out the candles.  Braison was a little premature :o)

We were having lots of fun.

THANK YOU EVERYONE for all of the wonderful gifts!!

On Monday, the day before their birthday, we went over to their Grandma Sheryl and Grandpa Pat's house.  Of course, they were spoiled rotten there too!  They got new BIKES! And, new helmets (with bells) and new pj's as well.  We had a great visit and the kids are so thrilled to have "big kid" bikes.  I haven't got a photo of them with the new bikes yet.

Then, on the kids' actual birthday, we had a nice dinner at their Grandpa & Grandma's house and a few gifts there too.  And, of course more cake!

Thank you to Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle Tyler for everything.  A side note to Uncle Tyler - I don't know where you find some of these gifts, but the soccer ball is WONDERFUL!! And, I don't get anxiety about them wanting to play with a ball in the house.  Thank you!

All in all, the kids had a great birthday week.  They are so loved! :o)


Ron and I went to the Trans Siberian Orchestra last night.  What a great show!! We both enjoyed it and all of their special affects were wonderful, they even made it snow in the Taco Bell Arena.  I am pretty sure we will be returning again next year!


18th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for chocolate.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

17th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for music.  It is such a wonderful expression of feelings. 


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Lilian is officially three years old.  Happy Birthday Lilian!

Even though you have only been here with us for three years, you have made quite an impact!  The last three years have gone by so fast.  You are the princess around our house, that is for sure!  You are such a sweet little girl, always there to help whenever we need anything.  You are so loving, compassionate, sassy (at times), smart, and autonomous.  You have brought a light into our life that we didn't even know we needed.

You love everything girly, pretty, Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Elmo, Abby, dress up, cooking, music, books, and cuddling.  You sing so many songs, we love your sweet voice!  You know your alphabet (singing and recognition) and can count to twenty all by yourself!You know your whole name (Lilian Faye-Lynn Buseman), your address, how to spell your and your brother's names.  You have a drama side, but that just makes us love you even more!

We love you so much, we can't wait to see what your future holds!
~Mommy and Daddy

Not double trouble, but twice blessed.


Well, Braison is officially three years old.  Happy Birthday Braison!

I can not believe how fast these last three years have gone.  You are such a fun little man! You are very independent, exceptionally smart, fun-loving, and so compassionate.  You bring such a wonderful dynamic to our family, I can't even remember what it was like before you came to us!

You love everything Mickey Mouse, Spiderman, Cars, building things, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, cars, "fixin' sings," music, books, Charlie Brown, football.   You know your whole alphabet, you can sing it correctly and identify all of the letters (even when they are not in order).  You can count to twenty.  You can spell yours, Lilian's, mommy's, daddy's, and nana's names.  You know your whole name (Braison Earl-Allen Buseman) and you have pretty much mastered our address as well.  You are a very spirited child and even though you can be a challenge at times, but we wouldn't have you any other way!

We love you so much, we can't wait to see what your future holds!

~Mommy and Daddy

There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared:  twins.

16th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for my health.  I am very blessed to be so healthy.


Monday, November 15, 2010

15th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for road trips. What fun adventures!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

14th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for flowers.  So beautiful, fragrant, and calming.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

13th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for my extended family.  From brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, and everyone in between.  You are all great!


Friday, November 12, 2010

12th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for bubble baths.  What a wonderful way to unwind after a long day.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

11th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for my freedom.  I am so fortunate to live in a country where I am free.  Thank you, especially today, to all of those who have, are, or will serve our country to provide this freedom.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Innocent Soul

We have a system at our house; one week one of us puts Lilian to bed and the other puts Braison to bed.  We swap each week.  It makes for a much shorter bedtime routine and we get equal time with each child.  Anyway, this is my week to put Lilian to bed.  We went in to say prayers last night (we say the popular, "Now I lay me down to sleep...") So, after we finished Lilian asks me, "Mommy, what is a soul?"
Ummm...wow, some things are difficult to explain to a two year old! So I told her, "Your soul is the light in your heart and when we pray this prayer, we are asking for Jesus to take your soul, if you should die.  Don't you want to be with Jesus forever?"
Her reply, "YES! Do you think my brain can go too?"

Oh, sweet, innocent, beautiful souls!

So, the kids' birthday party is rapidly approaching.  They are beyond excited.  We are having the party this Saturday at Monkey Buziness with our family and friends.  It should be a wonderful time! I will post photos of all the festivities.


10th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for photographs.  Isn't it wonderful to have them to look back and remember cherished memories?!?


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

9th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for my job.  I am fortunate to have a wonderful job and enjoy going to work, most days :o)


Monday, November 8, 2010

8th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for my grandparents.  All of them.  They each play a different role in my life, but are all so precious to me.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

7th Day of Thanks

I am thankful that I have enough food to eat each and every day.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

6th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for my parents.  All of them.  My mom, dad, stepmother, and stepfather.  They have all been there for me and helped contribute to make me who I am today.


Friday, November 5, 2010

5th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for my home.  A roof over my head and a warm place to lay down to sleep at night.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

4th Day of Thanks

I am thankful for Lilian.  It is such a wonderful thing to see the eyes of God through the innocence of children.  My life would not be complete without this precious child.


**Disclaimer - My "Thankfulnesses" are not necessarily in order of importance in my life.  I felt that each of the children deserved their own day and since the boy happen to come out first, he is indeed 20 minutes older than the girl, I mentioned him first.  This is in no way a reflection of favoritism; I love my children equally and don't want anyone to get the wrong idea :o)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3rd Day of Thanks

I am thankful for Braison. What a wonderful blessing he is, he lights up every day of my life.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2nd Day of Thanks

I am thankful for my husband. For better or worse, he is right there by my side.  I am forever grateful to have found the one I was meant to spend my life with.


Monday, November 1, 2010

1st Day of Thanks

I am thankful for my Faith.

I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. - Psalm 34:4
