Thursday, March 31, 2011

Family Fun

My cousin, Kirsten, came up to visit the family for her spring break from California.  It was so great to see her!  We took advantage of her being here by having a family night.  Grandma and grandad hosted a wonderful dinner for everyone, and we were even able to attempt to get a decent photo of everyone.
Attempt number one:
Fail. Thank you camera flash, Ron, and Grandad. :o)

Attempt number two:
Semi-Success.  And, the best you are getting out of this group :o)

Here is one of Grandma Barbara and Kirsten:

And one of Grandma, Grandad, and Kirsten:
After stuffing ourselves, Braison decided that is was time for some basketball.  So, there was some time spent on the court.

It was all-in-all a wonderful visit.  Thank you Kirsten for making the time to spend with us!  We hope to see you again soon :o)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Girly Girl

Lilian made a big decision today.  She decided that she wanted her ears pierced.  We had told her that when/if she wanted to have it done, we would let her, but she had to be the one to decide.  She knew it was going to hurt, but she said that was ok with her.
She loves them (and of course so do I)!  She sat so still and was such a big girl about it.  They had one person on each side to do them at the same time, that way we ensured that both got done and not just one :o)  They counted to three and after they were done, her face got bright red and she scrunched it up, about two tears came out.  Then she turned the ladies, who were getting her a sucker and thanked them.  Dried up her tears and asked to have a mirror to look at the new earrings.  She is so sweet and is already very contentious about making sure they get turned and cleaned.
Now, she can wear earrings everywhere! 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Eight Legged Friends

It all started about a week ago when I noticed a knot in the back of my neck.  I kept rubbing at it, it hurt, but it didn't really go away.  I asked Ron what he thought it was and we both decided that it wasn't a tumor, so I should be fine :o)

Fast forward to Wednesday.  I am sitting at work when my stomach starts to itch, so I scratch it.  Then, it starts to move around to my back and becomes almost unbearable.  So, I go into the restroom where I discover that almost my entire body is covered in itchy hives.  I pop a couple of Benadryl and make it through the day.  I head over to the quick care place after work, since I hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary, used any different soaps, or anything that would cause an allergic reaction.  I mainly wanted to make sure that it wasn't anything contagious.  Dr. says, just keep taking Benadryl every 4-6 hours for the next few days, you will be fine!  Perfect.

Fast Forward to Friday.  I wake up with the hives still in full effect, but now, all of my extremities feel like they are asleep.  I am tingling, itchy, and so swollen that I can hardly get my shoes on.  Ok, so now is when I am thinking that this might be something more than just an allergic reaction to something still unknown.  So, I decide to call our regular Dr. and see what they have to say about it.  I was told to get in there as soon as I could.

I head into the Dr. and they start trying to figure out what is going on.  And, I don't know why, but I mentioned that little knot on my neck and how annoying it was.  So, she checked it out and low and behold....a spider bite.  One little spider, that I never saw, one little "knot" on my neck, caused all of this discomfort and irritation!  I guess it was lucky that I said something because then they could treat it correctly.  My hives have gone away considerably and my arms and legs are feeling fairly normal today.  We bug-bombed our house tonight, after realizing what the culprit to my illness was. 

It just gives me the willies to know I was cuddling up with something like this:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Funnies

Lilian - Mommy, what are all of those clothes for?
Mommy - Those are "fat clothes."
Lilian - Oh. For daddy??

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

The kids were so excited about shamrocks, rainbows, leprechauns, and everything green this year!  Last night we made cookies:

Then, this morning when the kids got up, they discovered that the leprechaun had been there, what fun!

The little buggar got up on the counters and toilet and even turned the water green!
He also left a trail of little shamrock confetti through the house (WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!?)

When they went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, they also discovered that he had kissed them while the slept!

They were so excited about all of this, they had to call their daddy at work right away and share!  Then we had green pancakes for breakfast.
Here is Braison posing with his bowtie (Lilian had already broke her headband and didn't want a photo without it).
Then, to top off the day, we had a traditional dinner (corned beef & cabbage).
All in all, it was a fun time to be had, aside from the part where the kids refused to use the restroom because the water in the toilet was green :o)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wordless (almost) Wednesday

**Our family in potato form, according to the kids.  Can you guess who is who??**

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Boise Roadster Show and Pleasant Surprises

Today we went to the Roadster Show.  The kids were particularly excited to go because Spiderman was going to be there.  Braison just wanted to see him and Lilian wanted to get her photo taken with him.  We got there early and were looking at all of the nice cars.  At one point Lilian said to me, "This is amazing! The cars are so pretty!"  She is quite the character.  Of course, the car that they liked the best was, what else....a Toyota Land Cruiser!
We FINALLY heard over the loud speaker that Spiderman was making his way into the building.  Only problem was, there was a line about a mile long to talk to him or get your photo with him!  So, we only looked on from a distance, which Braison was perfectly happy with :o)
Then, tonight, I got a nice little surprise from my boys....

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Funnies

Mommy - Guess who is coming to town?
Lilian - UNCLE TYLER!!
Mommy - Yes, he is!! And, I bet he is coming with a pocket full of spankings!
Lilian - Yay!! For Braison!


Braison - Nana, are you doing your "ekersizing?"
Nana - Yes, I am.
Braison - Are you doing kick-backs?
Nana - Why, yes I am.
Braison - I hope it feels good.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Funnies

Braison - Look at my big belly.
Daddy - Wow, do you have a baby in there?
Braison - I do. Shhh, don't scare her!


Daddy - How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Lilian - Five.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lilian's Big Day

Today, Lilian started preschool.  She was pretty excited to go and was very conscientious of her outfit and how her hair was going to be done.  She even made me get out the round brush and hair dryer to make sure it was perfect. Here she is getting ready to go.

When we got to school, her teacher showed her where her hook was for her backpack and coat, then showed her where the other kids were playing (they have free time until the class starts).  She requested a hug and a kiss from me (YAY!!!) and then I told her I was going to go to work.  She said, "Okay Mommy, I love you.  See you later." And, off she went.  I left, crying, of course.  But, today I didn't have to call Ron for reassurance :o)

When I went to pick her up, she was not pleased because the other kids (the ones that stay for daycare after preschool) were heading outside to play.  I had to promise her that she could play outside at home after a little nap, she decided that was a good compromise.  We were heading out and I asked her if she had fun and what she did.  She told me, "Yes, I had fun. I drew a picture of a baby deer for Braison, but look on the back of the picture." So, I did and someone had written her name on the back, but they had spelled it wrong (Lillian instead of Lilian).  Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, but it was to her.  I said, "Oh, it is your name!"  She replied, "NO, it is NOT. That is NOT my name. My name is L-I-L-I-A-N, not L-I-L-L-is that an O-N."  She then proceeded to tell me that it wasn't just on the back of the photo that her name was spelled wrong, it was also on the hook where she hangs her things and on her designated spot to put her artwork that she is bringing home.  So, tomorrow morning I will talk with the teacher about it and hopefully it can be corrected before she returns on Thursday.  We called Ron and Lilian told him about drawing the picture for Braison, and she counted the spots that she had put on it for him.  She was so excited to get home to give Braison the paper!  Her teacher said that she fit right in with the other kids (in fact, she had to say goodbye and hug 3 other children before we could leave :o).  She also said that she was very polite and raised her hand to speak!  They also told me that she is very smart and that she will get along just great!

Here is Lilian leaving her first day, she was more than happy to pose for a photo.

She is excited to go back and see her friends again.  I think we might have quite the social butterfly on our hands!