Monday, February 28, 2011

Braison's Big Day

So, today Braison started preschool.  He could hardly stand the time between when he was ready to go and it was actually time to leave.  Here he is getting ready to go.
When we got to the school I had to do a little paperwork and Braison was about ready to have a heart attack waiting for me to finish up :o)  His teacher, Mrs. Cox, showed him where his hook was for his backpack and coat, he really couldn't believe that he got his own personalized hook!  Then, we went to the room where the kids were getting ready to start the lessons for the day and he was off.  No kiss. No hug. No "I love you mommy." No wave.  No goodbye.  Not even a glance back in my direction.  So, I left, bawling my eyes out, trying desperately to get Ron on the phone to tell him how depressing wonderful it was that our babies are not babies anymore.  Ron calmed me down and had a very good point; at least he went in this way, rather than them having to pry a crying child from my leg who really didn't want to stay there. Ok, I will give him that one :o)

I went to get Braison when class was supposed to be over, but they were running a little late today.  He was very, very unhappy with me that I was taking him away before lunch was served.  When we got out to the car I asked him if he had fun and what he did.  His reply, "I did some important stuff in there today, Mommy. But, I don't want to tell you about it.  I will tell you that I painted a bear and drew a picture and ate some crackers."  Who is this kid?!?  So, we called Ron and relayed pretty much the same thing to him, no more details.  His teacher did tell me that he did wonderfully.  She commented on how intelligent he is, how polite he is, and how he seemed to fit right in, "It is like he has been coming here forever!"  Parents have never heard sweeter words!

Here is Braison getting ready to leave his first day of preschool (Sorry for the cheeseyness, this photo was taken against his will :o)

He can't wait to get back (He goes Monday and Wednesday mornings, Lilian goes Tuesday and Thursday mornings) and do some more mysterious, very important work!

Tomorrow is Lilian's big day, wish me luck!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Curls Come Off

As most of you know (all three of you that read this blog), Lilian has had a hard time growing hair since she was born.  Well, she had finally gotten to the "baby mullet" stage (see previous post) and pretty much stopped there.  Her hair is curly and BLOND, but also thin and kind of scraggly.  So, we decided yesterday that we were going to get her hair cut.  For a couple of reasons; because we want her adult hair to start growing in and also to get rid of the mullet that snarls like crazy all the time.
So, off we went to the salon.  Here are the two before photos.

And, here are the after photos:

She loves it and so do we.  It was sad to see all of those curls on the floor, but I know this will help to get the hair growing and it is so much thicker now!
In other news, Braison got new boxer shorts.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Funnies

Braison - I took a big sip of my milk with my big mouth!
Mommy - Your mouth is huge!
Braison - Just like yours!


Mommy - Lilian, what is up with your hair?
Lilian - It is business in the front and a party in the back.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

**It's Butt Man!!**

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Movie Day

Today was cold and rainy/snowy.  And, Braison had spent last night with my dad, who informed me that he was coughing and had a runny nose.  So, we decided that church was probably not a good idea.  But, when we picked him up, he was doing ok.  When asked if they wanted to go to the movie theater, the kids got really excited.  As Braison would say, "Let's go to the movie video to watch a show!"
There were only two G rated movies playing at the theater: Gnomeo and Juliet or Justin Beiber: Never Say Never. That was a no brainer.
We, by some crazy phenomenon, wound up at the theater about an hour early.  So, we spent some time playing games first.

*All I had was my phone, sorry for the poor quality.

The movie was great, the snacks were outrageously expensive.  We all really enjoyed the movie, it made everyone of us laugh out loud at one point or another.  We would definitely recommend this movie!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Girl's Day Out

First off, I know I missed "Wordless Wednesday" and "Friday Funnies" last week.  I apologize.  I will make sure they are back this week :o)

On to today.  Lilian and I had a girl's day out with my cousin, Valerie, and her daughter, Adrianna.  We did start the day off having breakfast with daddy.
Then we headed to The Little Gym for a gymnastics class.  Adrianna has a class every week and today happen to be bring a friend day.  Lilian was instantly in LOVE with gymnastics :o)
Valerie and Adrianna surprised Lilian with a leotard/dress to wear for the day, they also got her tights to match, a pretty hair bow, and a tiarra. (Thanks Val and Anna!!)  They have to have bare feet during gymnastics, so that is why she is missing the tights.  She doesn't have nearly enough hair to keep the pretty bow in yet :o(  And, the tiarra was for later in the day.  Here are a couple more photos of gymnastics.
 Balance beam.
 Uneven bars.  She actually did really well on these!
Then, after class, we headed out to the ballet.  Lilian has been so excited for the last week about going to the ballet.  She was constantly "getting ready" to go (putting on makeup, a dress, earrings, ballet shoes, etc.).  Here is the princess waiting for the ballet to start.

She was absolutely enthralled with everything.  She sat and took in all that the dancers were doing.  She was so good.  Then, after the ballet was over, we were able to meet and talk to the ballerinas.  Lilian immediately walked up to her favorite lady to talk to her.  She let Lilian and Adrianne feel her shoes and told them about why they were so hard on the toes and showed them how she can stand up on her very tip-toes with them.  Then, Lilian showed her how she too can stand on her very tip-toes.  It was great to see her interacting with the ballerinas.

  Here is one of Lilian and I after the show.
Then, the girls had free reign of the dance floor.  Here is Lilian showing off one of her newly learned ballet moves.
It was so wonderful to watch her out there, dancing away, in her own little world.  She really is a princess :o)

We finished off our day with a wonderful lunch at Cafe Ole' in downtown Boise.  We are so excited to have more of these days out!

Thanks again to Valerie and Adrianna for a great day!

Monday, February 14, 2011

St. Valentine's Day

Valentine's started last week when I got flowers & a balloon at my work.

Then, we started off today with lots of love and kisses :o)

We had a good Valentine's Day this year.  Yesterday, we made cards for all of the grandparents and delivered them.  We also made Lilian a special shirt, which she loved.
When I got in my car to head to work today, this was hanging off of my rearview mirror.
Ron surprised me with this beautiful necklace! I love it!
When Ron and I got home from work, the kids had made us special crafts.

Then we decided to have breakfast for dinner, so we had pink heart shaped pancakes with strawberries, eggs, and bacon.
*Sorry, it is sideways, I don't know how to rotate it.
Then, we finished the evening with homemade strawberry shortcake. Yummy!!
All in all, our day was filled with love and happy surprises.  We hope everyone else had a blessed day as well!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday Funnies

*The kids were riding in the car with their Nana and she was having a hard time getting where she was going (she kept making wrong turns)
Nana - Crud! I went the wrong way, again!
Lilian - Nana, you need to relax, it will be ok.


Braison - Look at that helmet over there, Mommy.  It is red and gold.
(He was looking at an Iron Man dress up helmet thing)
Mommy - Who is that?
Braison - It is Butt Man, Mommy! Geez.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bathtime & Roller Skates

One of the kids' very favorite things is bathtime.  They always look forward to that time of the evening. 

They are almost too big to both be "swimming" in the tub together. Sad day.

We were out shopping the other day and came across some second hand roller skate/blade beauties.  These are the kind that go over your shoes & they can either have the wheels in roller skate or roller blade mode.  I had been considering getting some of these for the kids for some time, but had a hard time justifying paying $30ish dollars for them.  So, when we found them for $4 I was thrilled!  Braison really did like them, but  he happen to be pretty ill the day that we tried them out, hence the bewildered look on his face.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Funnies

I made macaroni with hot dogs for dinner (because I was lazy).
Lilian - Yum, yum, you did a good job making dinner tonight Mommy! Thank you!


Braison - Can Rebekah come over and play?
*Rebekah is a friend of Mommy's
Mommy - Why do you want her to come over and play?
Braison - Because, she is my favorite friend that I have!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm Back!!

So, I have been down and out for a whole week now.  Last Tuesday I came down with something terrible.  I had a fever of 102.6°F, cold chills, an awful sore throat, and I couldn't keep any food down.  Needless to say, I didn't really get out of bed for almost an entire week.  It was not pretty. 

But, I was pretty happy because it seemed that I had managed to keep it to myself. Wrong.  On Friday, Braison's temperature started rising and he started coughing and refusing to eat.  So, we shipped Lilian off to my dad's house for the weekend, hoping to keep her out of the loop.  On Sunday, Ron started complaining of a sore throat and his temperature started rising as well.

When Lilian came home on Sunday evening, she was really cuddly and didn't want to do much of anything.  Alas, her temperature had skyrocketed by bedtime.

So, at least Momma was on the upward swing of things by the time that it hit the rest of the family. 

Right now, we are just all trying to survive this crud.